
Mbarara University is set to Re-Open for Clinical Finalists On 23rd August

August 13, 2021


Mbarara University is set to Re-Open for Clinical Finalists On 23rd August


After the national lockdown was lifted by the president, the National council for higher education qnd the ministry of education announced the necessary requirements for medical students to report next week.

 In communication with all medical finalists, Dr. Martha said that all medical students must be vaccinated before returning to campus on August 23.

‘’I write to invite for in-person classes for semester 11, 2021 on Monday 23rd august 2021. You are advised to have the under listed, for your safety and everyone around you’’ the memo reads in part.

  • A box of surgical masks
  • Sanitizer bottles for refilling when the sanitizer is finished
  • Clinical/laboratory coats
  • Light blue scrubs for MBChB students

‘’Every final year medical student will be required to be vaccinated. The faculty of medicine together with Mbarara regional referral hospital have agreed to prioritize you when the vaccines are available’’ the reads further.
