What You Didn’t Know About Bachelor of Science in Planning and Community Development Offered at Mbarara University, You Can Apply Now

July 28, 2020


Mbarara University of Science and Technology


Bachelor of science in planning and community development (Bsc.PCD) is a three-year duration undergraduate program offered at Mbarara University of Science and Technology (MUST) under the Faculty of Interdisciplinary Studies (FIS).

Bsc.PCD programme is premised on an interdisciplinary approach that integrates the perspectives and ideas of multiple disciplines to build effective community development practitioners. The programme enables students to acquire planning skills that demonstrate inclusive thinking and techniques of integration in order to move towards an interdisciplinary approach to decision making and problem solving for community development. The programme provides a basis for students to understand community needs from a policy legacy, theoretical and conceptual debates in the field of planning and community development. The students also acquire a diverse range of skills in areas such as theory application, community organizing, finance, planning and management.

The following are the specific objectives as to why one needs to pursue Bachelor of Science in Planning and Community Development;

  • To create specialists with knowledge and skills in developing quality plans that facilitate community development processes.
  • To build the capacity of development practitioners with planning knowledge and skills that will spearhead the implementation of relevant programmes at local, national and international levels.
  • To provide specialized training for practitioners involved in a wider spectrum that require an integrated system of service delivery.
  • To create a data base through quality research that will provide a foundation for planning and evaluation of development programmes.
  • To produce graduates with the ability to foster partnerships and collaborations with both local and international institutions and other development agencies for planning and implementation of development processes.

The programme aims at empowering students with skills in planning for community resources and overall development. In relation to the National Development Plan development strategies, this programme contributes to knowledge and skills that address improvement of public sector planning and management for efficient and effective service delivery, creation of a responsive human resource equipped with positive values and attitudes to generate and support societal transformation.

Community development being part of the programme, its work seeks to actively engage communities in making sense of the issues which affect their lives, setting goals for improvement and responding to problems and needs through empowerment and active participation. Thereby identifying community skills, assets, issues and needs.

One can apply for this programme by visiting www.applications.must.ac.ug or email admissions@must.ac.ug


Two principle passes at A’level,

Tuition 1,000,000/= per semester.

Functional fees 520,000/=

Campus: Main campus located in Mbarara City, After Mbarara Regional Referral Hospital.

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