Varsities set dates for re-opening for finalists

July 18, 2020


Varsities set dates for re-opening for finalists


Universities countrywide have started setting dates for reopening and putting in place various safety measures to welcome back the finalists next month.

President Museveni, who ordered the closure of all institutions of learning in March due to the outbreak of Covid-19, said schools will be allowed to open on June 4 but for only finalists.

Mr Museveni instructed the Ministry of Education to come up with guidelines for reopening schools across the country.
However, some universities have moved ahead of the Ministry of Education and set their dates for reopening as they await specific operating procedures (SOPs) that will be issued by the ministry.
Makerere University has set June 20 for re-opening.

The Vice Chancellor, Prof Barnabas Nawangwe, has asked all College principals and deans to avail him with a list of all final year students and their contacts before the end of today.

“Following the pronouncement by President Museveni that universities would open only for finalists, the Makerere University Covid-19 response task force at its meeting held on May 25 set June 20 as the reopening dates and August 7 as the closing dates and this will include teaching and end of semester examinations,” Prof Nawangwe said yesterday.
He said all finalists should be contacted to prepare for the semester.

Makerere University secretary Yusuf Kiranda yesterday told Daily Monitor that they are ready to comply with SOPs that have since been communicated by the Ministry of Health.